myofascial faq’s

What are some conditions that may respond well to myofascial therapy?

Conditions that may respond well to a myofascial release include back pain, whiplash, disc problems, postural irregularities, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, and frozen shoulder, arthritis, and more.

What should I wear to my Stretch Theory myofascial massage?

For women, wearing a sports bra and leggings is recommended. For men, sweatpants or shorts and a t-shirt are recommended. All clients are free to wear comfortable and clean workout gear.

What should I expect during a myofascial massage?

Myofascial massage is a hands-on treatment performed directly on the skin without the use of oils, creams, or machinery. This allows Nakia to accurately detect fascial restrictions and apply the appropriate amount of sustained pressure to facilitate the release of the fascia.

How does myofascial therapy compare to regular massage?

Myofascial massage involves targeted and precise movements that aim to release fascial tension and obstructions. It may feel more intense than a regular massage as there is more focus on kneading the muscles.

How will I feel after my myofascial massage?

After your myofascial massage, you may feel tired or relaxed. Most people experience an immediate feeling of relief. Aches and pains are common for about 24 hours after your treatment as the body begins a process of flushing out the toxins that have been released. In order to speed this process along, drink lots of water after your massage.

Are there any circumstances that may not be ideal for myofascial therapy?

There are a few conditions that are not suitable for treatment with myofascial massage. If you are currently undergoing cancer treatment, have open wounds, have had a recent fracture or severe osteoporosis, have hypermobile joints, suffer from acute circulatory conditions, are undergoing anticoagulant therapy, have advanced diabetes, or another unsuitable condition this treatment is not recommended. Contact Nakia to discuss your personal circumstances.